Project results

In this section, the public deliverables and other documents related to the project will be available:



D1 Project and data management plan

D2 Risk Management Plan

D3 Annual report 1

D4 Annual report. 2

D5 Annual report. 3

D6 Innovation exploitation and communication

D7 Benchmark cases

D8 Flow pipe model for fluid circulation

D10 Optimized design for the closed loop geothermal system

D11 Validation of cylinder geometry-based simulation of the closed loop geothermal system

D12 Report on alternative fluids characterization

D13 Report on heat transfer modelling and circulation within the borehole

D14 Optimized geometry

D15 Calibrated models

D16 Pilot sites data and integration analysis

D17 Results of underground simulations and loop optimisation at the pilot sites

D18 Conceptual design and techno-economic feasibility study

D19 Pilot site documentation for future integration of HOCLOOP

D20 Evaluation of the HOCLOOP concept replicability in different geological contexts

D25 Plan for the full-scale operation at Ullrigg in Stavanger

D26 Risk considerations, alternative back-up solutions and contingencies

D27 Report for the DHS, instrumentation, rig adaptation and handling tools

D28 Report on operation test results

D29 Report on social acceptance

D30 Report on market acceptance

D31 Report on sustainability assessment

D32 Innovation exploitation,  communication and dissemination plans

D33 Update 1 the innovation exploitation, communication and dissemination plans

D34 Update 2 the innovation exploitation, communication and dissemination plans

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